Here are two of my favorite contenders for dining room storage, images scanned from an old Pottery Barn catalog that fell as one of the casualties of one of our many moves. (And Pottery Barn should thank me for posting these, as it's free advertising for their Logan Collection.) I absolutely looooove the robin's egg blue china in the first one . . .
I love the simple lines, and the way that the monochromatic dishes turn into sculptures on the shelf.
And, thanks to Ana* over at Knock Off Wood, I'll be building this myself . . . either from her plans, or ones I modify from coordinating plans she has already done, if she doesn't have all of these components planned out by the time I need them. :o)
(*Why is it that a couple of my favorite bloggers have names similar to mine? Hmmm? I think it's a sign. We of the clan of An(n)a are pretty cool. ;o)