So, making play dough was interesting. Easy, quick, and not too messy. Here are the kids goin' at it:
The Anderman, displaying his work, while Lil'MissL happily chops away with a butter knife on MrC's kayak fleet.
MissE, carefully explaining the finer workings of a play dough kayak.
MrC, (aka ChickenScratch), providing his insights on the finer points of play dough kayak construction. As you can see, he's a master builder with a fleet of aquadynamic vessels.
The night before, playing with some commercial PD MissE was given at church:
I don't remember what prompted the pink boils, but they sure got into it.
And MrC's crowning achievement: a play dough pirate ship.
And, just because I need some warm fuzzies today, a photo of my favorite part of my little house, complete with hydrangeas and roses from the front yard.
Have a great Tuesday, evereyone. I'm sure going to try. (Oh. I guess it's Wednesday, isn't it . . . )