I bought these quite a while ago, sight-unseen. I know now that the spinning isn't the best, but I haven't tried washing them or setting the twist. I'm hoping that will help, and make them easier to work with. I still like them more than I probably should, though. ;o)
When I first received this, I wound the last ball and tried knitting a Warm Heart Woolies soaker with it, but didn't get very far. The over-twisted sections were just too hard to manage, and the variations in thickness and really dense nature of the yarn made for a fairly unyielding fabric. Not a good thing for sensitive baby skin.
Anyway, here 'tis. Any ideas, anyone?
This first photo is pretty close to real. The light fibers aren't quite that bright.
This one is the closest to reality of the lot.
(This one is a lot darker, and more chocolate-y.)
Have a great Thursday!