When I tracked my FedEX package this morning from Fire Mountain, my heart sank. My beads for MS3 (and a gorgeous array of other goodies that you'll see another day), were scanned as departing Portland Tuesday night at 10-something, and then scanned as departing Portland at 8:52 this morning. AUUUUGH!!!! So, I called FedEx, and got a moderately helpful (if very uninterested-sounding) phone rep. He put a trace on my package, and I felt better, although really disappointed that my beads wouldn't be delivered until tomorrow. So, I went about my day, deciding that I really shouldn't go to my LYS to pick up a #13 steel crochet hook for the beading, and gathered my wits about me.
By the way, did I mention that I left to take my mom to the airport this morning at 5:30? It was a bit uncomfortable (especially considering that I had a weird night--tossed and turned, dreamed a ton, and kept waking up during the scant 7 hours I had in bed), but I managed to make it home without being actually drowsy for more than the last two minutes. So, by the time I had the FedEx package traced, I felt like I had been up forever. In reality, it was only just over five hours; but when being up for five hours means that it's only just after 10am, it feels kinda strange. Mom's flying down to Tejas to see my brother, my adorable SIL and they're 2.5 week old munchkinette. Oh, how I wish they lived closer. I would love to hold her. My Mom and that brother (I have three, total) are my best friends next to Vern. It's hard to have my lil' bro and his lil' family that far off.
So, I went back to my day, taking care of the munchkins and all, took a few minutes to catch up on the few blogs I read, and sat down to finish the MS3 swatch when, to my uttermost surprise, I see a purple polo flash in the windows of my front door. The doorbell rings, DS the younger goes streaking for the door, and I get up to see what's going on. And there it is--my little box of beads! Woo-Hoo! (Don't you just love technology? It's my guess that somehow the scanning equipment substituted "Portland" for "Spokane". Whatever happened, I'm just glad that my box either went from Portland to my door in two hours and 19 minutes, or somebody in a purple polo was having a more tired day than I was. Or maybe it was purple polo-wearing software. You've gotta love databases and their attendant code. Anyway, I ordered two different colors, and I reallllllly like this one. What do you think?
So, as I play a little with the contents of the box, I planned out a quick trip out for a crochet hook, gathered the munchkins up, and off we went. I grabbed the mail, and (be still my beating heart!) the Zephyr Lace was nestled in back, behind something else I ordered that came today. (Why, oh WHY?, doesn't Knit Picks offer Priority shipping for their orders? Two days from NY & MI, but a FULL WEEK from Ohio. Sniffle, sniffle, grrrrr.) It was a few hours before I could start, but it's coming along well.
Meanwhile, the house is reasonably presentable (well, except for the laundry room and the kids' room . . . ), and this is how DS the younger spent his afternoon:
Have a wonderful week!